February 15, 2010

The Year of the Tiger

So here were are at yet another milestone in the year – The Chinese New Year - we are entering the Year of the Tiger and according to the people that write the predictions it is going to be a year of big change. I do not specifically believe in these type of predictions but I think change is good – for everyone – change allows us to recycle ourselves.

Just like nature dies in the winter and rebirths anew in the spring, so we must change as time does. I see myself changing every week. I get stronger all the time (even though I am aware that I am growing older every day).

I found my energy again, the blue skies and a slight change in my diet (less sugar), makes all the difference.

Long may it last and Happy New Year of the Tiger – may the roar of the Tiger drive you to the change you seek, today and every day.

Spring has arrived in San Francisco!!

February 2, 2010

Where Does the Energy Go?

I’ve never been able to understand why some days feel so much harder than others. This can be in relation to workouts, to the interaction with people, almost everything. Some days it simply feels like you’re swimming upstream, against the tide. I’m going to keep on swimming...but let’s hope my mojo kick back in soon!!

I need my energy back because I have set myself some ambitious running goals this year. On Sunday I am taking part in the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon. Next up is the Oakland Running Festival, which is a full marathon (this will be my second ever!) and then in July I will be running the San Francisco Marathon. On top of this, there are some shorter runs in between that which I am signed up to take part in, the Bay to Breakers in May and I am part of a relay team for the Big Sur Marathon in April.

This is the schedule for the next 6 months!!! There may be another marathon in the late fall but I intend to get through to the end of July first before I make any firm plans. With all this running I will focus on optimizing my nutrient intake and I trust that my body will survive it all - I expect to emerge, stronger, leaner and somewhat meaner (in a good way)

One foot in front of the other is the way to go! The energy will come back, I know it!!!