August 18, 2009

The Universe Knows Best

Having faith in the Universe is an interesting concept. There are many references both in pagan and popular culture that reference this idea of “having faith in the Universe”. Max Ehrman wrote in Desiderata that “the universe is unfolding as it should” .

Of course there are many arguments that everything in life is choice and we create our own destiny and there is no such thing as a “Universe” that guides us, but sometimes I have to believe that the choices we are presented with are guided by “something” else.

What that is, I can’t say I have an answer to, but I would like to believe that everything is, and will be, as it should be. For some, our history determines our future, and we can choose to stay in a place we think we are destined to be, but I think we can make conscious choices to be taken in another direction and that is the power of choice. The rest, we have to trust.

Right now, everything in my life feels pretty good and I will continue to trust that everything is indeed unfolding as it should. All I can do is make the choices I think are correct and for the rest, I will trust the process.