November 20, 2009

Starry Starry NIght

This week a friend took me out into the ‘country’ to see the Milky Way and Shooting Stars - there was a meteor shower this week but we missed it by one day, the show however was still fantastic! Seeing stars at night is something I don’t experience very often and in fact, only if I am very lucky (and remember to look up) I get to see one or two faint stars in the city sky. I was thinking how sad it is that some folks never get to see the sky at all. Living in big cities with all the light pollution you simply aren’t exposed to the night sky and I guess then one is also not exposed to the wonders that night sky holds.

The natural world holds so many wonders. When I see the stars in the sky I wonder what it must have been like 200 years ago when we were not living like we are today – surely we were more in touch with what was going on above us, around us and beneath us. I wonder what kind of impact this out-of-touch-ness has on our souls and out ability to survive.

As much as I am a fan of progress, I can’t help wonder how we would fare if one day all of this was no longer here – no electricity, no structures, no conveniences.

How many of us would survive? I bet not everyone would.

I trust that I will be one that does.